German Volume Training

German volume training (GVT) is an intense exercise program that builds the muscle mass and strength necessary for weightlifters to move beyond personal plateaus.

It’s sometimes called the 10-sets method. The training program involves high numbers of sets and repetitions with short resting periods in between. GVT stresses your muscles, which respond by triggering muscle growth. This training method helps bodybuilders and weightlifters build strength, increase muscle size, and develop lean body weight.


  • Promote muscle growth
  • Build muscular strength
  • Builds a lean looking body
  • Boosts mood and mental health
  • Can promote weight loss
  • Good for motivation
  • Good for fast-twitch muscle fibre recruitment

Moderate Intensity Steady State Training

MISS, or Moderate-Intensity, Steady-State, is a similar form of cardio to LISS, but with increased speed and effort. For example, if your LISS cardio is walking at a fast pace, MISS would be a jog. At the beginning of MISS, your heart rate should be around 65-75% of your maximum heart rate, but as the time goes on, your heart rate should increase to around 75-80/85% of your maximum heart rate and stay there.

Your heart rate will get this high not because you are exercising at a fast speed like you would in HIIT, but because you are exercising at a continuously steady pace.

Doing this cardio for 30-45 minutes helps increase your overall cardiovascular endurance and gives you the base to perform HIIT and sprints more effectively.


  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Exercise may feel more enjoyable
  • Helps to prepare you for the tougher sessions
  • Helps you to sleep better
  • Improves blood / sugar levels


The biceps muscle has 2 heads, the long head and short head.


This muscle is responsible for bending the forearm back towards the upper arm so is involved in lifting and pulling movements. It also plays a part in supinating the forearm, turning the palms to face upwards or forwards.

The biceps muscles lie between the shoulder and the elbow. It is one of three muscles that make up the front (or anterior) part of the upper arm. It shares the space with the Brachialis muscle and the Coracobrachialis muscle.

The biceps muscle crosses the shoulder and the elbow, making it one of the few muscles that cross more than one joint.


This smaller muscle is located underneath the biceps brachii and on both sides. The brachialis assists with flexion of the elbow. One unique fact about this muscle is that it only becomes completely activated when the arm is being flexed but not actually moving.


The core transfers the forces between your upper and lower extremities. The core and limbs need to be strong and stable before any form of movement can happen through the limbs so, the stronger you make your core, the more efficient and stronger your movements will be.

Your core comprises of more than just your abs and can be split into two categories: stabilisers and movers. Think of your core muscles as any muscle that are attached to the spine.


  • Transverse Abominais
  • Internal Obliques
  • Lumbar
  • Multifidus Pelvic floor muscles
  • Diaphragm
  • Transverse spinalis


  • Rectus Abdominis
  • External Obliques
  • Erector Spinae
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Hamstrings
  • Hip abductors and adductors

Circuit Training

Circuit training is a style of workout performed with different stations or exercises at a usually high intensity with little rest between each station or exercise.

Circuit training is a form of body conditioning that involves endurance training, resistance training, high-intensity aerobics, and exercises performed in a circuit, like high-intensity interval training. It targets strength building and muscular endurance.


  • Improves muscular endurance
  • Improves fitness and heart health
  • Offers a full body workout
  • It’s time efficient – can do strength and cardio in one session
  • Can promote weight loss
  • Good for motivation
  • Good for all levels

Basic Sets Strength Training

Sets and reps are the terms used to describe the number of times you perform an exercise. A rep is the number of times you perform a specific exercise, and a set is the number of cycles of reps that you complete. For example, suppose you complete 15 reps of a bench press, that equals 1 set.

No matter how many reps you’re completing per set, most fitness experts recommend performing between two and six sets for each exercise. Although even 1 set work, pushed to the right level has shown to be beneficial if time is an issue.


Gym lore says that rep range determines whether you’ll build strength, muscle, or endurance. However, load, speed, and “time under tension” are actually more important than the number of reps.

Your body reacts best to what’s new, so it’s worth employing various training styles.
Of course, the rep range you choose requires scaling your weights: You can lift heavier weights if you’re doing fewer reps.

Whilst rep ranges are a useful guide, we must keep in mind that training our bodies is a physiological process that relies on adapting to a specific stress. It is the quantity and quality of that stressor, and subsequent recovery, that determines progress, rather than a specific number of repetitions.

So, the quality of the exercise, the weight you are lifting and hitting that failure feeling is most important. For beginners lifting a big weight and hitting 6 reps may be daunting but doing a lighter weight for 20 reps is more manageable.


  • Makes your body stronger (not bigger)
  • Burns calories + speeds up the metabolism
  • Decreases body fat %
  • Decreases your risk of falls + improves co-ordination
  • Lowers your risk of injuries
  • Improves heart health / lowers blood pressure
  • Strengthens bones
  • Boosts your mood and improves brain health

Why You Should Do Gironda Strength Training

8 sets of 8 is a high volume, fast tempo, size building workout. It is not designed for strength development – it’s purely for bodybuilding or “cosmetic” improvements. 8 sets of 8 will also help you get leaner.

The short rest intervals stress the cardiovascular system to the point where calories are burned, the metabolism is stimulated, hormones are stirred up and fat is melted away.

Here’s how it works: You will select three or four exercises per muscle group and perform 8 sets of 8 on each exercise. That’s 24 to 32 sets per body part. You will work two or three muscle groups per session and rest only 15 to 30 seconds between sets.


  • Improve cardiovascular performance
  • Promote a lean body
  • Can be time efficient
  • Boosts mood and mental health
  • Can promote weight loss
  • Good for motivation
  • Effective for burning calories and building size

Why You Should Do Tabata Training

Developed by Izumi Tabata, Ph.D., at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Tabata is based on timed interval method.

Tabata is a type of HIIT workout that aims to yield the most benefits in a short amount of time. For each exercise, you do eight rounds of 20 seconds of maximal strenuous exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest x 8 cycles through.

This equates to a 4-minute workout. This can be done with just one exercise i.e., burpees OR combined with a few different exercises to make a ‘Tabata Circuit’.


  • Improves fitness
  • Maximum results in minimal timeframe
  • EPOC effect – ‘afterburn’ so the body continues to burn calories after the session
  • Good fat burner
  • Convenient and flexible sessions – you can perform a Tabata workout anywhere doing any exercise
  • Increased anaerobic and aerobic fitness

Upper Back

The muscles in the group are:


This is broad, flat and triangular in shape. It is responsible for elevating and retracting the scapula (shoulder blade) and when the arm abducts (moves away from the body’s centre line), it rotates the scapula.


The latissimus dorsi muscles, known as the lats, are the large V-shaped muscles that connect your arms to your vertebral column. They help protect and stabilize your spine while providing shoulder and back strength. Your lats also help with shoulder and arm movement and support good posture.


This is a smaller muscle attached between the neck and scapula. Its main function is to elevate the scapula.


As shown in the diagram, there are two muscles, major and minor. Both muscles are responsible for the retraction and rotation of the scapula.

Why You Should Do Giant Sets Training

Giant sets are doing 4 or more exercises back-to-back with no break. During these sets you can either pair exercises that are non-competing, in other words opposing muscle groups, or you can target the same muscle.

For example, you might do an overhead press, a lateral raise, a rear-delt raise and an upright row for shoulders — then rest a few minutes to catch your breath and repeat.


  • Improve muscular endurance and cardiovascular performance
  • Increase athletic performance
  • Can be time efficient
  • Boosts mood and mental health
  • Can promote weight loss
  • Good for motivation
  • Effective for burning calories and building strength