Do you want to achieve a healthy lifestyle? You should do! A healthy lifestyle is essential if you truly want to take the best possible care of your health.
Yet very few people really know what is meant by a healthy lifestyle. Most believe its incorporating four things: eating healthily (although most don’t know how to do this), exercise regularly, don’t smoke and limit alcohol consumption or best still eliminate it totally. In truth that would indeed make a good start but there is far more to it than that.
Here are some other tips of how to better you life-style which will help you move better and most importantly feel better.
Get enough sleep

Eat well
First of all, healthy eating doesn’t mean extreme diets! That’s why the secret is to have a balanced diet with foods that are low in unnecessary fats and sugars and high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Exercise regularly.
Being active should be a priority. Experts say that people should have at least 150 hours of exercise per week. Achieving these hours of exercise will combat health conditions and diseases, enhances mood and well-being, boosts one’s energy, and promotes better and quality sleep. A great starting point is simply walking, aim for your 10,000 steps a day.

Drink Water
Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day is good for your health. Roughly 2 litres for women and 3 litres for men should be consumed in a day. Maintaining hydration can have a profound influence on our vitality and energy levels, including mental alertness. Water helps to clear our system, bring on metabolism rate and flush out the toxins.

Start meditating
Sound mind, sound body! Meditation will help you set a tranquil tone for a more peace-filled life! This process of training your mind will promote emotional health and develop a positive mood, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns and even increase pain tolerance.

Listen to your favourite songs
Make every day count and only listen to your favourite songs. Music can increase your happiness and improve our health! Did you know that if you listen to 25 minutes of music every day for at least 10 days it will help you to prevent back pain and to sleep better?
All of these tips above will not only improve your lifestyle but are all a great way to de stress and burn some of that energy in a positive and healthy way.

If you would like any further information on this or to speak to Layla about developing your own personal football specific program please feel free to speak to us in club or drop us an email on

Layla Clark
Zone 10 - Personal Trainer